Flyering the Neighbourhood part of Fund Our Schools Campaign
ARM Ch. 12 members are invited to join OSSTF Toronto in distributing flyers in the neighbourhood of Conservative MPP Stan Cho. This is part of the Fund Our Schools Campaign. See the Rally on June 19.
Before the Ministry of Education released their Core Education Funding for 2024-25, the TDSB was facing a $26 million shortfall. After the Ministry released the funding, the TDSB shortfall increased to $36 million. Adult education and community programs such as Learn4Life are in danger of being cut. Supports for the highest needs students have been disappearing just as students have needed more supports to address gaps in learning and socialization caused by the pandemic. Violence in the schools is on the rise, and the most dangerous spaces in our schools are now in the classrooms with our highest need students.
Help us take a stand against the continued erosion of public education. Join OSSTF, ETT, CUPE 4400, Toronto-York Region Labour Council, as well as parents, students, and other education stakeholders for a rally at 5050 Yonge St on June 19, 4pm. Our message is very simple: Fund Our Schools!