Travel Club
Welcome to the Travel Club page of our website. We are a like minded group of people who gather approximately once every two months to share our recent travels with tips of how you might be able to also travel to these areas. Of course with the present situation, we have been unable to meet in person since the lock down.
However in the last presentation, Candice Phoenix, did a wonderful presentation on travel in Iceland. We had tentatively scheduled the next presentation on Mauritius. Below are several photos taken by Michelle Barraclough during her recent trip there. It's a series she calls, "Mauritius: Many People, One Country." We always include relevant information, such as advisories, possible travel companies, etc. There is also a little social during the meeting so come out and meet other travellers.
We would like to encourage you to keep up to date with possible presentations and locations as soon as we feel it is safe to do so. We are cognizant of the fact that many of our members are mature and are therefore at higher risk to the virus.
On this page we will schedule the meetings and have different travel related information available to you.