Election Resources Board

Elections are always important. The Ontario Provincial Election on Thursday, June 2 is no different. In fact, many may argue that this particular election is critical if we want to prevent the further degradation to our public education and health care by the Ford Government.


Below is a list of resources to inform ARM Chapter 12 members, their families and friends so that they can make the most considered choice in the election. It also provides advice and information on how members can join other ARM members and participate in our local democracy and help determine the future of Ontario.


This document will be updated as information becomes available. Please check it frequently to stay up-to-date.

Vote, Volunteer, Donate

You may ask, “What can I do to assist in the OSSTF Election Strategy?” The answer is simple: vote, volunteer and donate. Vote for the candidate vetted and endorsed by OSSTF. The list is immediately below this item. Volunteer for the candidate. Call up her or his office. They would love to hear from you. Donate to the candidate. They need this. And, a significant portion of your donation is tax deductible.

Keep checking this website for other specific ways in which you can participate.


OSSTF Endorsed Candidates List

This is a list of candidates that have been vetted and endorsed by the Provincial Executive in consultation with local OSSTF and other union leadership.


Canvases and Campaign Events

ARM members are invited to join OSSTF members and other volunteers in canvasing and other campaign events in the riding of your choice. Please open the document below for a list of dates and locations for various campaign events.


How Ford is Privatizing Health Care

This short video by the Ontario Health Coalition explains how the Ford governments has quietly shifted testing and vaccinations to the private sector:


OSSTF Election Platform

This is a link to the OSSTF Election Platform. Each vetted candidate was asked her or his position on the platform. Only those candidates who were supportive made the endorsed list. Take a moment to read it. When the candidates in your riding knock on your door, ask them if they support the OSSTF Education Platform.



OSSTF Election Strategy Overview (videos)

The first link is to a video of Mark Kissel, OSSTF Election Organizer forĀ  Toronto, presenting to the March 16 ARM Ch. 12 Executive meeting. It includes a powerpoint and outlines what OSSTF has done and plans to do to with respect to the upcoming election. It is 41 minutes long, including a short Q&A at the end.



This April 20, 2022 video features Paul Kossta, OSSTF Queen’s Park Observer and Richardo Harvey, Election Organizer for OSSTF Toronto, as well as Mark Kissel. They review in further detail what has been done and what plans to be done by OSSTF with respect to the election. There is a Q & A section towards the end of the video.



Elections Ontario

Go to this link to find basic information on the election process, including how to register to vote, where to vote, etc.



Ford Tracker

The Ontario Federation of Labour has developed a website that has tracked all of the changes that the Doug Ford government has implemented that has degraded our public institutions, reversed environmental protection and favoured his friends.



OSSTF Election Readiness Page

This page, prepared by the Provincial Office of OSSTF provides a wide range of election readiness resources, including links to the websites of all the major parities, the OSSTF Endorsed Candidates Resource and the OSSTF Election Platform.




This website provides the latest polling information from a province-wide perspective to the individual ridings.





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