In Defense of Public Health Care: An Expert Panel Discussion
Natalie Mehra, OHC
All members are invited to this discussion/seminar on the ongoing efforts to defend the public health care system in Ontario, including long term care homes from the continuous efforts at degradation and privatization by the Ford government and other organizations. Discussion will also include the passage of Bill 218, legislation protecting owners and operators of private for-profit long-term homes from class action and individual lawsuits [over 90 to date] regarding residents’ neglect, etc, resulting for COVID-19.
Featured speakers are Malcolm Buchanan and Natalie Mehra.
Malcolm Buchanan is President of the Hamilton, Burlington and Oakville Chapter of the Congress of Union Retirees of Canada. He is former Provincial President and General Secretary of the Ontario Secondary Teachers’ Federation. See below for his recent communication with the the govenment.
Natalie Mehra is the Executive Director of the Ontario Health Coalition representing more than 400 member organizations and more than 50 local chapters. She is a past Board Member of the Canadian Health Coalition where she spearheaded numerous national campaigns to safeguard and improve single-tier public medicare.
This event will be conducted online via zoom. In the week prior to the event, members will receive an email inviting them to attend, including the zoom codes.
If you have not been receiving regular emails from ARM Chapter 12, please contact us at
Below, please find Malcom’s Nov. 4, 2020 letter to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy