Images of a Changing World
This contest is now closed.
No more submissions will be accepted.
ARM Chapter 12 Photo Contest 21/22
The very least that can be said about our world is that it is changing.
Environmentally, politically and socially, we have seen major disruptions over the past decades, not to mention that we are still in the midst of a global pandemic. Wildfires and floods ravage Europe and North America; governments collapse as other nations rise to be superpowers; democracy seems to be giving way to autocracy; with the greater recognition of our tainted national history statues topple and the names of those we were told to admire are being removed from the signs of streets that bore them. And yet, flowers still bloom, brooks and rivers continue to flow. Our sylvan retreats whether the back yard, a local park, or the family cottage still offer comfort. Friends and family are starting to gather in greater numbers, and the joyful squeals of playing children echo in playgrounds.
Can you still find beauty in this world? Of course. Do you find the drama fascinating? We hope so. Tell us in pictures.
You have until the spring of 2022 to submit photographic images that express your views of our changing world. There are three categories: People, Places, Things, and any member of the Chapter can submit up to three images in each category. Submissions can be made throughout the period of the contest up to the deadline.
A prize of $100 will be awarded to the photographer whose work is deemed the best both artistically and thematically in each category, with a $50 prize for each runner-up. As well, winning entries and a selection of runners-up will be featured in the summer edition of After School and on this website.
CHANGE OF INFORMATION> Winners of the contest will be announced at a date some time in June or July of 2022. The specific date will be posted on this page, on the website as soon as it is determined.
Contest Rules
- There are 3 broad categories: People, Places, Things.
- Any member may submit up to three photographs in each of the categories.
- As some categories overlap, submissions must specify the category to which they are submitted.
- Each submission will only be considered in one category.
- Images may be electronically adjusted for colour, exposure etc.
- Photo-shopped images will not be accepted. The intention is to celebrate the traditional photographer’s skills of seeing an image in life and capturing it.
- Photographers vouch that the photograph submitted to this contest was taken within the period of the contest starting September 2021.
- Submissions will be judged on
- Creativity,
- Expression of Theme and
- Technical Skill.
- Selected submissions may be featured throughout the period of the contest on this website or in the pages of After School.
- By making a submission to this contest photographers agree to the following:
- The use of their submitted photograph in ARM Chapter 12 publications and social media, and the future use of the photograph for promotional purposes;
- That their name will be published along with the submission;
- They are not professional photographers;
- The photograph submitted to this contest was not a winning entry in any other photo contest.
- Photographers retain the right for future use of their work, including commercial use.
- submissions will be accepted starting now.
- deadline for submission is 11:59 PM, Friday, June 17, 2022. NOTE CHANGE.
Submission process
- All submissions must be made electronically to the following email address:
- All submissions must be accompanied by a completed submission form.
- Photographers will receive email confirmation of their submissions.
- Submissions must be made individually; one photograph at a time.
- Photographs must be submitted in the largest file size possible.
- By submitting their photographs photographers agree to all the contest rules, and that they are in compliance with requirements and limitations as set out in the contest rules.
Winning Entries
- Winners will be selected by a sub-committee of the ARM Chapter 12 Executive.
- Members of the selection committee are ineligible for the contest.
- All other members of Chapter 12 are eligible to submit photographs.
- Submissions deemed by the selection committee to be inappropriate for any reason will not be accepted.
- Winning submissions, including runners up will be announced on the website and posted on the website on the Photo Contest page(s).
- Winning photographers will be informed via email.
- Winners and runners up will also be featured in the Summer edition of After School.
- Winners get
- Publication in the Summer edition of After School
- Publication on the ARM Chapter 12 website
- $100 or a gift certificate of equal value
- Runners up get $50 or a gift certificate of equal value and publication on the ARM Chapter 12 website
All submissions must be accompanied by a submission form. Click on the link below to download the submission form.
Please direct all questions or concerns to
Good luck.